How Do You Run a Successful Recruitment Open Day?

2022 calls for innovative practices for hiring the best talent. What has previously worked well does not work the same for employers today
recruitment open day

2022 calls for innovative practices for hiring the best talent. What has previously worked well does not work the same for employers today. Like, putting the job advertisements in the newspaper and waiting for applicants to show up took months of time. However, today, the hiring processes have reformed from print media to digital media. Thanks to the advancements in digital technology that support the virtual hiring of global candidates. Regardless of boundaries and binaries, recruitment open day allows you to reach applicants from around the world. 

At present, organizations aim to tap the global talent pool. Instead of local hiring, employers reach the world’s farthest corners to hire that perfect candidate. That is how organizations globalize their employer brand.

But the question here is, how would you host a successful hiring event? To dig deeper, let’s first learn about recruitment open days. 

What is a Recruitment Open Day? 

A recruitment open day is basically a wholesome experience for aspiring candidates. It offers them a chance to connect with their dream jobs, employers and the organization all at once. To put it straight, virtual recruitment events are a unique substitute for traditional workforce hiring. It does not require applicants to appear at the office location for an interview. Rather, it allows global applicants to connect with hiring managers online and discuss the best career opportunities.

For starters, the best way to organize a recruitment event is to partner with a virtual platform. The platform becomes the central hub for gathering applicants, posting jobs live and collecting resumes in real-time. Its job matching algorithms help sift through thousands of resumes at once and filter the most suitable candidate profile. That is how employers successfully hunt for the best talent for their organizations. 

If you are a hiring manager wishing to tap global talent, then adopt a smart approach to hosting a job fair. The answer to your hiring needs lies in online hiring and onboarding of employees.

UK Job Search Statistics

The year 2022 has marked LinkedIn as the top job search engine for global job seekers. As per job search statistics in the UK:

  • 25% of the UK employees actively look for jobs online
  • 60% of the employees passively look for new job opportunities online 
  • Around 84% of UK employers have reportedly used social media for recruitment purposes

This clearly indicates the inclination of job seekers to look for vacancies online. So, why not make the most of digital technology and gather online job seekers to your recruitment open day? 

Tips to Run a Successful Recruitment Open Day

In order to run a successful recruitment open day, you need a customized and carefully curated event plan. We suggest you consider the tips mentioned below and adopt what would work best for your organization. In the end, it all comes down to how you put the best foot forward in the hopes of hiring the best candidates. 

Globalize Your Reach 

It is observed that world organizations today plan on high-volume recruitment. The question is, how would they gather a large number of applicants at one place and at one time? A physical office location is probably not fit for hosting a career day event. On top, considering the current inflation crisis, it is nearly impossible for people to fly down to different states. So what steps would you take to expand your global reach?

In the wake of stepping ahead of competitors, recruitment fairs are organized online. It aims to gather the finest individuals online and screen the most suitable candidate for the job. But how would you accommodate thousands of applicants? With the help of a virtual events platform, the chances of hosting a successful recruitment event multiply. 

People now rely on a single partner platform that meets all their recruitment needs. From receiving thousands of registrations to accommodating a global candidate base, a virtual recruitment platform comes to the rescue. But, only better. For instance, each applicant easily logs into the event and interacts with your employer brand. There’s no need to travel to a physical location.

Execute Convincing Marketing

People now wait for job opportunities to knock at their doorstep. So how would you reach these talented individuals? The key to running a successful recruitment day is to market your event worldwide. Make sure you reach the right people at the right time. For instance, begin with the event marketing way before the scheduled event day. 

But first, determine your target audience. Are you looking for candidates with a particular educational background or experience? The digital marketing geeks propose that email marketing is the best way to reach the right candidate. Yes! Email is one way to reach the person directly. It allows you to convey the message first-hand and build their interest in your offer. The top digital marketing approaches include:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing 
  • Pop-up ads 

How would you execute convincing marketing for the masses? You can begin by organizing social media marketing campaigns. Give a call-to-action message to encourage quick actions from the viewers. Today, social media is considered the best platform to engage people in real-time. Once people start talking about your event it will become easier to score maximum registrations. Plus, spreading word of mouth through keynote speakers, current employees, or guests is how you reach the right people.

Personalize Candidate Experience 

Firstly, your candidates land on the event landing page. An event landing page is your first chance to familiarize the candidates with your employer brand, event agenda and key takeaways. So, one way to do it is by personalizing the candidate’s experience so they may feel welcome at your reputed organization. With virtual events platform, employers have a chance to replicate the entire 3D environment. From reception halls to the lobby, the recruitment open day speaks your language. Wondering how? It is the

  • Realistic 3D designed virtual space
  • Branded venues, halls and booths 
  • Immersive lobby, auditorium and halls
  • Company representative animated avatars
  • Live support and help desks
  • Navigational buttons

The customization features allow employers to display their company culture using logos, themes, colours, slogans and more. On top, you can host informative webinar sessions to educate and guide attendees on the job roles or the company culture. That is how you familiarize applicants with your brand and give them a chance to learn about the company.

Focus on Networking and Engagement

The success of your recruitment event depends on how well you accommodate, familiarize and engage attendees. Unlike physical events, virtual events demand careful networking and engagement plans. Note that your audience should feel included and engaged throughout the hiring event. You do not want the candidates to get bored staring at their laptop screens. For that matter, the event must be fully packed with interactive segments. Your audience should be able to connect with the employers individually, request meetings and join webinar sessions. 

Overall, the event is designed to facilitate quick chat and networking among the audience as

  • Company representative avatars welcome and guide attendees
  • Live chat; audio/video conferencing options help connect easily 
  • The meeting scheduler option allows attendees to connect with employers
  • Virtual roundtables encourage attendee participation to discuss matters
  • Each attendee avatar can move around the space interacting with others
  • A breakout room option is available to collaborate and engage with attendees 

Hire the Perfect Candidate

Once you have filtered the resumes and found the best-matched candidate profiles, it is time to interview shortlisted candidates. The recruitment open day is designed to schedule interviews there and then. It is easier for the recruiter and the applicants to connect right away. Hence, the open positions get filled quickly and allow recruiters to move into the employee onboarding process.

Therefore, traditional hiring is now replaced with Virtual Days, as it is a time-efficient approach to volume hiring. 

Work on Smooth Employee Onboarding

After successfully hiring the right candidates, it is time to smartly onboard the new workforce. The success of your event lies in a comprehensive virtual employee onboarding program. There are general guidelines to follow when stepping into the employee onboarding phase. One way to do this is by

  • Welcome employees with a virtual orientation
  • Schedule internal employee meetings
  • Host webinar sessions to train employees
  • Building individualized training programs
  • Track employee training progress,
  • Employees can request on-demand training

Virtual platforms support quick employee hiring and onboarding. It becomes your one-stop shop for executing event accessible to people around the world. 

Advantages of Hosting Virtual Recruitment Open Day

Here’s a list of advantages that comes with hosting a virtual recruitment. 

  • Expands your reach to a global audience
  • It benefits small businesses and large enterprises alike 
  • Supports high-volume recruitment and remote onboarding
  • Online hiring and onboarding save you time and energy
  • Automates maximum of your manual tasks
  • Allows you to stream live with social media integration
  • Helps save large sums of your recruitment budget 
  • The carbon footprint is modified into the digital footprint
  • Helps fight current economic and climate change crisis
  • Truly beneficial for employers and candidates alike

In Conclusion

Going virtual is the best decision you could make going forward with hiring in 2022. It is one way to transform your recruitment strategy and promote your employer’s brand globally. Now you have the chance to opt for a cheaper, faster and more efficient hiring process. So get ready to hire talent globally and remotely. 

If you are interested in moving your hiring processes online, then we suggest you connect with Virtual Days. We welcome hiring managers and recruiters to host successful recruitment days to hunt the best candidates from beyond borders. 

Author | Mubashrah Rahim



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Virtual Recruitment Fairs: Revolutionizing Job Search and Education

2022 calls for innovative practices for hiring the best talent. What has previously worked well does not work the same for employers today
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