How the Virtual Event Industry is Fighting for a Green Environment

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The new world order is technology-driven. Generally, people wish to ease their lives with excessive machines and technology. However, not realizing that it comes with its own risks. Today, the threat of climate change is most alarming. However, with digitization, most industries have reshaped their practices to save the world from environmental catastrophes. For that matter, the virtual event industry is responsibly fighting for a green environment. Moving the educational, health and business events online is the first step towards saving the environment from carbon footprint. 

Each year people travel down to other states to attend business meetings, conferences, concerts, or other events. In fact, these events take place all year round. Recently, the pandemic put a halt to physical gatherings of people. So, people needed a safe space to continue with their routine activities and events. Thus, the virtual events industry encouraged online gatherings and also helped revive the environment.

Surprisingly, post-pandemic, we noticed a rise in virtual and hybrid events. As per statistics, around 88% of the event organizers hosted virtual events, webinars, or online workshops. The virtual events industry is indeed fighting for a green environment. These events govern on principles to minimize the harmful effects of physical events. Also, it encourages businesses to ensure a safer environment for future generations.  

Impacts of Carbon Footprint on Climate Change 

The 2021 Climate Change Conference emphasized the need for ecosystem restoration. At this meeting, global business leaders, heads of states, and environmental activists discuss the contributing factors in carbon footprint. But most importantly, it stressed ways to save the planet from the catastrophic climate crisis. Following the discussion, the virtual event industry stepped up to encourage online gatherings of people. As a result, the reduced human activity put a halt to burning fuel, electricity, paper, and energy waste. Which fortunately worked out in favor of a green planet. 

Thus, the virtual event industry ensures gatherings of 1000s of individuals in a virtual space. This helps control excessive human activities that would otherwise cause an uproar in the environment. For instance, hundreds of people traveling by air or road would encourage air pollution. Not just that, the carbon footprint causes way more damage to the environment. 

On the whole, it causes drastic climate change. At this point, the damage to the ozone layer has already led to excessive heat waves, melting glaciers, and snowstorms. 

Virtual Events Industry to the Rescue

The rise in virtual events has encouraged online gatherings of people. People now prefer attending zoom meetings, live sessions, and online lectures from the comfort of their homes. Also, virtual events produced less material waste by introducing digital material in practice. So, there’s no paper waste, machine emissions, and goods waste. As a result, the reduced carbon footprint helps reestablish the green environment. 

Global Online Gathering

Firstly, the virtual events industry diminishes the need for businesses to gather audiences at a physical venue. Be it a meeting, workshop, conference, or seminar; virtual events allow gathering a global audience base over at an online event. For instance, a virtual meeting held in Stockholm is easily attended by people residing somewhere in France or India. These online events also help reduce the carbon footprint that otherwise could harm the environment. For instance, we get to keep our environment green through:

  • Reduced electricity consumption
  • No fuel emissions
  • No physical venue
  • Cut down on paper waste
  • No transportation used
  • Limited energy waste 

On the contrary, online gathering encourages safe interactions among thousands of individuals. Plus, you get to save time and money on hosting the annual company meeting.  

Virtual Events Platforms

Basically, virtual events are organized through virtual event platforms. It is the ultimate software that supports multiple events held online. Moreover, the feature enriched platforms ease the process of event organization, management, and execution. Thus, virtual events platforms encourage rise in virtual events by offering services such as:

  • Gathers audiences in a 3D virtual space 
  • Offers interactive webinar experience
  • Extends live chat and networking features
  • Enhanced experience with application integration
  • Allows global event sponsorships 
  • Maximized sales and leads opportunities 
  • Offers real-time analytics report 

All of these activities occur online using virtual event software. The audience simply has to connect online using an internet connection and a mobile or web application. As a result, no harm is done to the environment.

Eco-Friendly Virtual Events

Virtual events are highly environment-friendly. At present, hosting virtual events is the most decent option available for industries to cut down on toxic chemical waste, air pollutants, energy, and electricity waste. In fact, studies have shown that virtual events help reduce the carbon footprint by 94% and chemical wastes by 90%. For that matter, eco-friendly virtual events occur within a sustainable virtual environment. This helps us achieve carbon neutrality and work together for decarbonization initiatives.

On the whole, virtual events bring environmental benefits for the masses, such as: 

  • Fresh and clean air to breathe 
  • More plantation and greenery 
  • Improved health conditions 
  • Renewable energy sources 
  • Stable Climate Conditions
  • Safe use of chemicals 
  • Protection from direct radiations 
  • Sound agricultural practices 
  • Sustainable food choices 

Therefore, the virtual events industry emphasizes hosting online events to preserve the environment. 

Encouraging Green Meetings 

People who know the harmful environmental impacts of physical gatherings discourage them. Instead, they encourage hosting green meetings. Here, people are brought online in a safe virtual environment to discuss ideas, share opinions and develop business connections. In fact, a green meeting is hosted anytime from anywhere in the world. 

On the other hand, attending a green meeting is no hurdle when we have to log in to the live event. There is no need to clear one’s schedule to attend a particular meeting. Rather, anyone can spare two or more hours for the meeting and attend remotely. 

All in all, green meetings are the real future. Wondering why?

  • Branded virtual environment enhances business opportunities
  • Encourage positive social interactions among hosts and guests 
  • Reduced material and goods waste helps save money 
  • Six days conference reduced to one day time 
  • Using fewer resources promotes a healthy environment
  • Digital content is easily reused and shared

In Conclusion

The virtual events industry is surely fighting to create a green environment. It is safe to say that 2022 will be the time when the most virtual and hybrid events occur. And why not? We have all the good reasons to go virtual. However, saving our environment is the prime reason businesses go digital. Now, instead of experiencing environmental shifts due to increased carbon footprint, it is time to establish a green environment by encouraging virtual and hybrid events.

Virtual Days actively encourage companies, enterprises, and educational corporations to host their events online. We all have a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for our future generations. So, why not host a green meeting?



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