The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Sales Events

Are you planning on moving your sales processes online? 2022 promises grand success for organizations aiming to maximize their revenue count.
virtual sales events

Are you planning on moving your sales processes online? 2022 promises grand success for organizations aiming to maximize their revenue count. It is about time you get your sales team online. So, let your customers engage in a digital environment and create remarkable virtual sales events!

Let us take you down the road to success and teach you some effective virtual sales events tips and tricks. Now fasten your seat belts and learn all you need to know about online sales events.

What are Virtual Sales Events?

A virtual sales event is not entirely different from traditional sales at an expo. Basically, now everything is happening online. Here, you display your products and services in a digital environment; consumers engage live, and sales deals happen in real-time. Instead of face-to-face physical interactions, the sales teams engage with interested buyers in the one-on-one digital meeting. Overall, the platform becomes your virtual shop. Like, you can personalize the event experience by displaying your brand and company culture. This is to earn the loyalties and trust of your online audience to encourage their buying behaviour.

Why do you think most organizations now prefer hosting virtual sales events? It is because it expands the reach and markets your brand globally. As a result, the sales teams build long-term professional relationships with clientele from far ends of the world. Greater reach means higher revenue! So, why not host a virtual product launch event attracting remote consumers?

Why Should Organizations Host Virtual Sales Events?

Virtual sales events are the talk of the town for all the good reasons. It is about hosting sales over at a virtual platform that offers maximized features, tools and tech. A virtual platform allows businesses to create a virtual sales room. In other words, the sales rooms become the outlet for your products and services. It encourages sales representatives to attend to the reservations of consumers. Altogether, the showcased products, catalogs, demos, brochures, and guidebooks allow consumers to make quick purchases. Also check, how to create digital sales rooms.

Still not convinced? Here’s how virtual sales events work for your organization:

  • Gather all the remote sales teams at an online virtual events platform 
  • Train and equip your sales teams online to help them kickoff sales deals 
  • Plan and create effective sales strategies to execute through the event 
  • Custom-design the platform with complete branding and company culture 
  • Install company representative sales representative avatars at each booth 
  • Showcase products and services with complete information and guidebooks 
  • Let sales representatives engage with prospects online and make quick sales
  • Receive real-time insights to analyze the impression and progress of your sales
  • Use virtual tech, tools and software to your advantage and win at global sales 

It is in the best interest of organizations to reform their sales practices amid Covid restrictions. So how can in-person sales be replaced? Most businesses now prefer partnering with online events platforms to host their sales events. In this way, your sales employees easily interact with the prospects and close sales in real-time. 

But before moving further, let us guide you through the process of setting up virtual sales events.

Guide to Creating Remarkable Virtual Sales Events

The following working strategies will help you create a successful sales event.

Create an Effective Online Sales Strategy

Before getting into the game, make sure your organization and everyone involved are on the same page. When hosting a digital sales event for the first time, guide your teams through the platform. First, plan your event step-by-step to train sales teams on the event agenda. That is how you streamline the virtual sales process.

In other words, make sure everyone’s involved in the event. From pre-event marketing, onboarding sales executives and employees, personalizing the environment and altogether following up on the event strategy. It is significantly important that your sales strategy is well versed among teams so they may track overall event progress. Your entire team should follow a defined plan to keep tabs on the success of your online sales strategy. 

Train and Equip the Global Sales Team

Your on-site and remote sales teams are the backbones of your virtual sales event. So prioritize their training and equipment to execute the sales strategy in the best way possible. Initially, it is recommended for organizations to assemble a virtual sales team. Your team should include the best-performing employees who win at communicating with the prospects. The better your sales teams engage with the prospects and leads, the more chances there are for success at sales conversions.

Your sales representatives are entirely responsible for the sales and revenue of your event. Take, for instance; you are hosting a virtual trade show. The first step to training your sales teams is educating them on the products and services. Basically, the sales representatives must attend to all the needs and reservations of the employees. An active team with expert time management skills would help you score maximum sales. Therefore, make sure you let the best of them lead at the exhibitor booths and attend to multiple customer queries at once. 

Sometimes there are newbies in the team. So who would help them fly? It is necessary that sales leaders take on the responsibility to train, educate, mentor and equip these salespersons. Give them sales demos to ensure these members turn out to be the best among the team.

Showcase Products and Services in Branded Environment 

How do organizations create an impressionable presence on the Internet? It is the branding of your virtual sales event that would make an uproar in the marketplace. Your consumer market is attracted to the brand name and unique services or products. So give them something to talk about! Fortunately, virtual events platforms help organizations to fully custom-design their sales events. 

Here’s how organizations create a branded virtual environment to showcase their products and services in the best way possible.

  • Create a virtual replica of your corporate building
  • Customize the exhibitor booth with your brand name, logo, theme and colours
  • Use imagery or video content to showcase your products and services
  • Personalize the sales rooms presenting product demos, catalogs and more 
  • Install standees, banners and video content at each booth 
  • Place company sales representative animated avatars at each booth 
  • Use 3D animation and graphics to display photorealistic images of products 
  • Offer informative downloadable content about the brand, products or services 

The more perfect the depiction of your branded products, the more chances there are for closed deals. Remember, when you put everything out there, there is no hurdle left for the prospective buyers to make purchases. So, by all means, it is your chance to hook them to the brand and turn them into regular customers. 

Network and Engage with Leads and Prospects

This is where you have all the chance to revive the traditional sales methods. As they say, communication is the key; a virtual platform becomes your UCAAS platform. Most organizations prefer an online interaction method to engage with the prospects as it is safer and more sustainable. For instance, the platform allows you to entertain customers from far ends of the world. Like, as the customers who otherwise would not travel to attend your product launch event. 

Once your network with remote attendees, educate them about your organization to win their trust. For that matter, the virtual platform leverages all its interactive features and tools to help you engage with your clients. Let us explain how you can use the virtual platform to streamline constant networking and engagement. 

  • Create informative webinar sessions when launching new products before the world 
  • Allow attendees to engage with the products and sales representatives throughout the sales process 
  • Create on-demand webinar sessions to attend to prospective buyers personally
  • Use audio/video conferencing tools in live one-on-one or group meetings
  • Gamify the event to encourage participation among audiences 
  • Let attendees schedule meetings and use this as a chance to convince maximum purchases
  • Indulge in the live chat at the booth   

Get Real-time Insights on Sales Metrics

How would you determine if your sales strategy is on the right track? Virtual platforms allow you to keep track of the overall event progress. For example, you get an exact count on attendee registration, booth activities, several prospective buyers, a count of downloaded resources, a chat count, and more. On the top, the platform allows sales representatives to track the complete user journey of a client. This offers a better understanding of the progress of the event and overall successful sales.

In the meantime, the statistics help sales representatives to indulge in private meetings with prospective buyers. For instance, the chats in the inbox, booth queries or emails could have potential leads turning into conversions. So, use the data to your advantage and engage with prospects in live meetings. 

Types of Virtual Sales Events 

There are several types of virtual sales events hosted by organizations from around the world. For starters, VirtualDays introduces you to winning sales events such as:

Virtual Trade Show 

virtual trade show is organized to drive quick sales for your business and streamline an online lead generation process. Businesses use virtual platforms to create impressionable virtual trade shows to market their brand before a global clientele. It helps them gather attendees in an engaging environment. Moreover, the displayed products and services encourage attendees to close purchases right at the exhibitor booths. 

Virtual Product Launch 

Similarly, a virtual product launch event is hosted online to introduce the world to the new product range. Here, a detailed description of the product convinces purchase from remote buyers. All-in-all, the platform encourages remote prospects and buyers to invest in your brand and build strong consumer relationships. So, if you unveil your product line to the world, a virtual product launch event is a perfect choice. 

Virtual Exhibition 

virtual exhibition allows businesses to present their best picture to the world. Here, the organizers use a personalized virtual space to showcase their products and services online. Which makes global prospects to take interest in your branded products. As a result of the global representation of the brand, you receive maximized leads and revenue. Also, the wide array of features and tools helps attendees through live engagement with the brand.  

Benefits of Hosting Virtual Sales Events 

Why do virtual platforms receive the most praise? Now, hosting sales events online is most beneficial for businesses worldwide as long as you execute them perfectly. In general, it offers the following advantages:

  • Gather global attendees and prospects online 
  • Allow remote prospects to make purchases 
  • A cost-effective approach for organizers and attendees 
  • Online representation of brand before a global market 
  • Allows installation of multiple exhibitor booths
  • Real-time sales closing earns you long-term business relationships with clients 
  • Helps reduce carbon footprint and save on travelling, venue and accommodation costs

Final Thoughts

Sometimes all you need is a good partner. By all means, a virtual platform becomes your promising sales partner. So get your sales teams onboard and organize an impressionable virtual sales event at Virtual Days, virtual sales events platform.

The above discussion encourages world businesses and organizations to move their sales processes online to win maximum revenue. Altogether, it saves you from physical hassle and ensures sustainable results for your organization. So request a demo today and partner with the best in-town virtual solution provider company. Now, let’s get your business rolling!



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Are you planning on moving your sales processes online? 2022 promises grand success for organizations aiming to maximize their revenue count.
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